A close-to-nature forestry opportunity

Join us in creating a close-to-nature forestry cooperative for everyday New Zealanders. Together we will produce high quality sustainable native timber from planted forests. Camp, bike, walk, and run in our forests.

Hono mai ki te kāhui o Treeherder kia whai hua i tētahi ao mauri ora

Join Treeherder and profit from a healthier planet

Our objective

To give our members a profitable ethical forestry investment which simultaneously:

  • creates a new forest

  • sequesters carbon

  • provides sustainable native timber, recreational, and educational opportunities for our members

  • all while acting as a functional and biodiverse ecosystem

What is close-to-nature forestry?

  • Close-to-nature forestry is a harvesting system that mimics the natural death and regeneration processes of a forest

  • Only small groups of trees are removed during harvest

  • Over time the forests transforms from a single age plantation to a multi-age, more biodiverse forest

  • Such a system avoids the severe environmental impacts of clear felling

Why native timber?

New Zealand’s native timber species are a viable alternative to the current industry based on exotic pine

  • their timber is sought after and in short supply

  • while their growth rates are slower than pine, they are not slow by international standards

  • multi-species native forests benefit biodiversity in a way monocultural pine plantation can’t

Why a cooperative?

  • Cooperatives can commit to long term, multi-generational projects in ways standard businesses cannot

  • Cooperatives operate democratically

  • Under the one member one vote system you have the same say regardless of the size of your investment

  • The mission of the cooperative cannot be hijacked or derailed by a small cohort of wealthy investors

  • The cooperative can control the sale price of member shares to ensure that a fair price is always paid

What are the returns?

We expect the annual return to be similar to a Kiwisaver conservative fund.


  • There are 2 core principles:

    1. Our overall impact must be beneficial for the planet

    2. Our decision making must ensure that the interests of one generation of investors is not at the expense of another

    1. Formation of a steering committee

    2. Prepare a feasibility analysis / business plan

    3. Survey of prospective members

    4. Determine governance structure

    5. Draft legal papers, constitution, and incorporate

    6. First annual meeting of the cooperative.

    7. Approve the constitution

    8. Election of board of directors

    9. Acquisition of capital via member shares

  • We have now finished the feasibility analysis (21 Oct 2024). The document is now being circulated for feedback. You can view the document here.

    1. You can follow developments by subscribing to our newsletter

    2. If you feel you have expertise to contribute we would encourage you to join the steering committee. If this interests you can contact us at query@treeherder.co.nz

    3. Once we incorporate you can become a member by investing in a share

Join Treeherder and profit from a healthier planet

Hono mai ki te kāhui o Treeherder kia whai hua i tētahi ao mauri ora